Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Happy St David's Day!

Well, I just missed squeaking into February with a post despite there being an extra day ;) Happy St. Davids Day - I was able to pick a tiny Narcissi for the loved one who is half Welsh & well, you can guess the rest ;)

4 more weekly squares for Made on Monday with Kate Bridger We also had an article by Kate promoted by  Folt Bolt, thank you for that!

 Ben Scritheall (Screel)

 Heart (No 14 of course)

 Snowdrops in my Garden

 Circles - 
I'll take a better pic when there's some light - it's been great recently except for today when I needed it!

 The real Ben Scritheall

 Over to Raasay for the community project twice this month - above is as I was leaving Skye on the ferry. We're working on a huge hanging, a blue rectangle with the shape of the Island within it. There will be trees, heather, boulders, hills, bird & sea life, the language thru poetry, crofting,  fishing, people & places as many landmarks as possible. We've got our work cut out for us!

 This beautiful clock tower is for sale

 Lovely bridge we could depict somehow 

along with this beautiful wall

 Above, the kids work - I went into the school of 9 pupils & the 2 nursery children joined us, with the help of one of the Hanging Group, much appreciated & the welcoming headmistress & a helpful parent we did potato printing, monoprnting, leaf printing, drawing, & coloring - lots of the work was on a clever drying rack so I'll photograph that next time hopefully. The kids even wanted to include the stars & the aurora - inspired thinking.

 What a place for a playground!

 Beautiful Scots Pine

 These 3 pics show a few of us starting to work hard using inspirational books you may recognize to help us along.

Using a variety of media. Back again in 2 weeks!

 The 3 pics above are off the shore from my walks. The middle one is actually from the wood pile as it has woodworm & a bit of a scary face I think!

 I had time to make a few purses, the 2nd one as  a gift & I was inspired to make a card purse & camera case for ME

 Above is the  project I'm helping with in my village - making a hanging with, you guessed it, fundraising squares. A few cried off with the leurgy but I know who they are & the hanging for our own village hall which might have a wall for it in Spring 2017 will grow.   Baby steps ;)

Last but not at all least, look what I won from the Workshop on the Web giveaway - gorgeous silk threads - do you think they'd been here to see the colors matched exactly to the stunning landscape I live in?